IHR Archive

This is where you get quick access to a lot of IHR data.
This archive is designed for researchers that need large chunks of the IHR database. Each file in the archive consists of:
- 24 hours of data
- for one of the IHR metrics
- and all networks monitored by IHR
All files are available here: https://archive.ihr.live/ihr/
Data Policy
The goal of IHR is to advance network research and empower the public with useful information about the characteristics of networks that constitute the Internet. IHR data is provided 'as is,' with all faults, defects, bugs, and errors. IHR does not make any warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the data.
Internet Health Report data is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at [email protected].
It's all about data
AS Hegemony
Daily dumps of AS Hegemony values (a.k.a. Network Dependency) are available here: https://archive.ihr.live/ihr/hegemony/ and https://data.bgpkit.com/ihr/
There is two types of files, nammed local and global. Local AS Hegemony represents the dependency of an individual network (Origin AS). Global AS Hegemony represents the centrality of a network in Internet topology. Please see IHR documentation for more details.
RPKI/IRR status
Daily dumps of the RPKI and IRR status of all globally reachable prefixes are available here: https://archive.ihr.live/ihr/rov/
In this dataset a route correspond to a (prefix, originasn_id) pair. This is a dump of our SQL database. Each line is a row in the database and there is quite a lot of redundant data. Same rows with only different asn_id and hege value refer to the same route (prefix/origin AS pair) but we found multiple transit ASes that are commonly used to access this route. Each row shows the results for a distinct transit AS.
More on request
Send us an email if you need other IHR metrics: [email protected]
Frequently Asked Questions
I need more data, where is the data for previous years?
In order to save disk space we haven't dumped the entire IHR database here. We are dumping data on request-basis. Feel free to ask for past data at [email protected].
How can I read these files? What's the file format?
All dumps are Comma Separated Values (CSV) files compressed with lz4. First you should uncompress them to get the CSV file. The first line gives the meaning of each value and each line represents an entry. See also IHR documentation and API to understand the semantics of the values.
These files are too big. I need data for only one (or a few) network and a short time duration?
Then you may be better served by IHR API.
How is the data collected?
See IHR documentation. '
Feel to ask question and request more data at [email protected]
Send your bug report or feature request here: https://github.com/InternetHealthReport/ihr-archive-website/issues